Business, Entrepreneur, Lifehacks

Tips That Will Help You Live A Happier & More Fulfilling Life

Life isn’t always easy, and some days can be more challenging than others. You may be at a crossroads currently or not in the best place overall. In this case,


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

5 Tips for Making Yourself Feel Confident and Beautiful

Even the most beautiful and confident people in the world have their off days. It’s absolutely ridiculous to expect yourself to always be full of self-confidence and feel your best.


Career, Lifehacks, Tips

Is Happiness Determined By Higher Salaries?

We all have days in our jobs that leave us feeling deflated and questioning our career choices. This can be down to colleagues, clients or daily tasks and plenty of


Health, Lifehacks, Tips

Top 5 Foods That Will Keep Your Spirits High

It’s very common to feel depressed during social distancing. None of us enjoys isolation, and if you get really moody while being stuck in your house, use food to boost


Health, personal, Tips

Wellness in the New Year

With the new year comes tons of resolutions. But how often are those resolutions kept? One tactic to ensuring that you stay consistent and long-term with the habit you’re striving