Geek Fit, Lifehacks, Tips

Healthy Snacks to Keep You Going When It’s Busy

When you’re working 40+ hours a week, along with all of your personal errands, it can be difficult to keep a well-balanced diet that isn’t full of fast food and


Business, Entrepreneur

3 Ways The Digital Age Has Benefited Entrepreneurs

In many ways, we are taught that life in the digital age is a bad thing. There’s a constant stream of stories decrying technology; social media is bad for us,


Business, Lifehacks, Tips

Hiring Specialist Staff – What You Should Look For

When hiring highly specialized staff, it can be very important to find the right person. This is because you cannot afford to suffer high staff turnover, to have issues relating


Lifehacks, Tech

Life Improving Mobile Technology Developments

Human existence is relying more on technology with every new tech development. Nowadays there’s an app for just about everything, or a device that can assist with day-to-day tasks. That


Lifehacks, Tips

The Best Government Programs for Single Moms

Are you a single mom? Have you been experiencing a stretch of hard times or a consistent struggle with bills and your lifestyle? If so, you’re not alone. No matter


Lifehacks, personal, Productivity, Tips

Sleep And Your Health

It’s no secret that it’s important to get a good night’s sleep. Anyone who has ever gone to work tired or drifted off to sleep out of exhaustion understands that


Health, Lifehacks

Keep Healthy to Stay Sober

Once you’ve been to rehab and stopped drinking alcohol, it’s tempting to think that the hard work is over. But as any decent rehab program will tell you, the hard


Health, Lifehacks

Vaping As An Alternative To Smoking

Most us know a little something about the dangers of smoking. It increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. It can affect fertility in both men and