Advertising, Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Marketing, Nerd Fun, Reviews,

Want The Best Business Cards? It Will Cost You!

Do you want the best business card? In a time where ordering business cards online is only getting cheaper and cheaper purchasing the most premier business cards around from Jukebox


Advertising, Branding, Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Startup, Tech, Tips

The Forgotten Side of Reputation Management

Since the dawn of the age of the search engine, companies have been concerned with their online reputations. The wrong results when potential clients and customers enter a company name


Business, Development, Entrepreneur, Geek, Startup, Tech, Tips, Web

2 High Profile Security Breaches and How to Stay Protected

With cyberattacks on the rise — many of which are aimed at high-profile individuals and companies — it’s safe to say that no one is safe from the cyber warfare


Apps, Business, Code, Computer Science, Development, Startup, Tech

How Encryption Will Impact Business in 2016

According to Sandvine intelligent broadband networks, 70 percent of the global Internet traffic will be encrypted by the end of 2016. Encryption can help protect your data, and is a


Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Tips, Web

How to Approach Branding for a Luxury Website

Embracing digital media and luxury branding online is an important marketing tool as websites and pages act as a gateway to the brand and help to build powerful connections with


Advertising, Art, Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Marketing, Print, Tips

Getting Your ID Card Design Right

Most firms are very aware of the importance of their brand. They, rightly, put a lot of time, money and effort into getting their branding right. Those firms that get


Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Inspiration, Marketing, Startup, Tips

The Importance of Online Branding

You don’t have to be an avid follower of marketing strategies to know that branding is a big thing right now. It seems like everybody is talking about the need


Apps, Business, Entrepreneur, Mobile, Tech, Tips, Web

Understanding Risks with Mobile Payment Options

As the popularity of making purchases through mobile devices increases, so has the number of ways to pay for those transactions. Having started out much like buying online from your