Business, Marketing, SEO

5 Ways SEO and Marketing Have Changed in the Past Five Years

As technology changes so do people and the methods of reaching them. For that reason alone, marketing has become a dynamic endeavor. Tactics that worked five years ago may not


Business, Tips

Skills to Hire for your New Business

Starting your new business has been a long time coming, and it’s exciting to finally make the mental leap, but you need some extra hands and aren’t sure which skills


Branding, Business, Design

Why Good Design Matters in Business

Look at the biggest brands in the world and you will see that they have all put design front and central to their business success. Just see a glimpse of


Productivity, Tech, Tips

How to Use Technology to Teach Writing Skills

Writing skills are important for success in any career. Learn how teachers can use modern technology to teach their students to write well. 4 Innovative Ways to Use Technology to


Career, Lifehacks, Tips

Should You Apply for a Seasonal Job?

Seasonal job: the term comes with some negative connotations. Most people associate seasonal jobs with the holiday season, particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas. They imagine long, thankless hours, angry customers, and


Business, Design, Tips

7 Tips for Designing a Clean Website

For people who do not have an eye for design, it can be tricky figuring out what will attract visitors to your site and what won’t. The key is to


Tech, Tips

Everything You Need To Know About The Mobile Wallet

Like any specialized industry, fintech is brimming with trendy buzzwords and obscure jargon that can make it difficult for the layperson to jump right in. KYC, blockchain, and regtech are