How was your St. Pattys Day?? If you are like me then you are recovering! Why not recover with a HUGE daily links post?? Enjoy yourselves today!! Thanks everyone for all the love and support, I appreciate you all! Now Get your Daily Nerdy Web Development/Design Links!!
Web Development/Designer Resources, Inspirations and Entertainment!!
Great quick and easy tutorial for building vectors – nice methods
Great twitter apps for pros
CS Is cool again! yay!
Freaking awesome Web Designs – Inspirational – Stunning.
Get your stress relieved.
great resources for managing your reputation online
Stick to your guns facebook
Dang, these people lost a lot.
10 commandments of Design. NICE
Good guide for printing designers
Awesome chart plotting scripts!
freaking awesome counter and surface designs – inspirational
Awesome black websites! Good trend lately apparently
Nice hair brushes!
Good app for mutual following!
Quick photoshop trick – wrapping text around objects
Awesome shoe customization video
Awesome shoe tutorial!
iPhone gets Copy and Paste! Hell just froze over.
Backup your MySQL DB!!
A Look at our economy
Good reasons you are hardcore! funny
Info about the iPhone OS coming soon
Awesome Illustrator Cartoon tutorials!! Good collection
Nice image caption jQuery Plugin
LOL Crazy animal photomanipulations – they are really good
Awesome audio tools for mac
Awesome photoshop tutorial!
Use twitter more efficiently!
Nice OS 3.0 preview for iPhone
Awesome blackberry PSD
Twitters OAuth available for all devs now
Awesome night themed design tutorial!
Great design inspiration resources!!
Nokia Cutting thousands of jobs
Check your Twitter Influence with these sites – nice!
Great read – Social Network Usability Principles
Nice tools for extracting insight from twitter streams
Awesome underwater Brushes
Great places to learn CSS
Awesome NON photoshopped pictures
Update your WP Database name
This is just inspirational interface design
Customer Relations = Small Business Success
Do you really need that menu? Good read
Great tutorials for developing jQuery plugins
Walmart brands getting a redesign?
Irresistably free wordpress theme
Couple of really creative images!
Awesome resources for adobe products
Freaking awesome black web designs!! STUNNING!
Great resources to build your links for your wordpress blog!
Make 404 more usable
Freaking awesome bag design lol
AWESOME Technical illustrator. Very nice work.
Awesome monochromatic designs!
Opt out of google targeted ads – good read
Twitter going text ad route?
Need more links? Here are some good PHP/Wordpress/Jquery/JavaScript/AJAX links
Cool illustrator personal site
How to impress as a freelancer
Awesome light brushes FREE
Awesome places to get design/inspirational t-shirts
If you RE-Follow your account could be in danger
TweeDeck + Facebook
jQuery lightbox alternative – another one
Don't pay to have your money managed Freelancers!
Kill IE6 – no one likes it
Quick and easy status codes – Refresh your memory
Awesome tutorials – beginner
Quality assure your PHP
jQuery and Ajax with PHP Sessions – Good read – I had issues with AJAX and PHP Sessions before, tricky if you use too many at once.
Silverlight for PHP developers
Design float for the WordPress World! Cool new site
Awesome typography covers
Self taught or Formal Education?
Create your own Alltop page with feeds. Grab your vanity URL quick before its gone!!
Twitter is kicking butt and taking names
Need to learn more about #hashtags?
Inspirational and Informational Read – Future of Seesmic
Twitter the new Digg?
Stars too good for twitter? PFftt!
you can print your plus tuts now! Awesome!
Some great developer blogs in this list!
Great read – ultimate wordpress SEO Resource
Interview with some cool guys! Great designers!
EXCELLENT Reads to improve database design
Get it done with GMAIL
GREAT Photo manipulation tutorials – Photoshop
Nice facebook apps to try!
Hey Andy…thnks a lot for the add. I am sure your readers will enjoy checking this set of NOT photoshopped images 🙂
Awesome set of Nerdy Links, thanks. =]