Art, Design, Geek, Tips, Web

Top Online College Courses For Design Visual Graphics

The Internet has changed the way we buy and sell goods, find directions for stores and businesses, and interact with each other. It's also changed the way we learn, offering


Blogging, Geek, , Tech, Web

Social Media’s Ability To Lend Global Reach And Impact Political Dissent

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, consume news, and interact with the world around us. It has also had a profound impact on politics. In recent years, we


Apps, Business, Geek, Marketing, , Startup, Tech, Web

Microsoft Joins the Social Media Bandwagon with ‘SOCL’

Microsoft is testing the waters of social media by opening the doors to Socl, its social networking site, which was accessible only to its employees and students. When every other


Advertising, Apps, Branding, Code, Geek, Marketing, Mobile, Productivity, Tech, Web

Best QR Code Reader Apps

The mobile phone industry has advanced in technology and its features throughout the years. You can now buy any kind of smartphone and you will be able to utilize them


3D, Art, Design, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Tech

70+ Epic Steampunk Art

So Steampunk has been around for a while now, and I started to like it long before I knew it was a “thing”. You know how you see something and


Advertising, Branding, Business, Design, Entrepreneur, Marketing, Mobile, , Tips, Web

How To Do Online Marketing For The Holiday Season

Holiday Season: Get Your Online Marketing Prepared Most businesses are happy maintaining a modest profit throughout most of the year. Some even budget to take a loss for 9 of


Apps, Code, Computer Science, Design, Development, Inspiration, Programming, Tech, Tips, Web

How To Create GUI (Graphical User Interface) Experiences

Good GUI Design Elements that Result in a Superior User Experience 12 Useful Techniques For Good User Interface Design User experience can be defined as the opinion of the user


Business, Design, Development, Freebies, Freelance, Geek, Inspiration, Photoshop, Reviews, Web

Deals for Designers and Developers – Review

All designers consume a lot of resources, books, software, and whatever other things we come across that can make our job easier. The average designer spends a ton of money