Business, Development, Tech

7 Best Practices of Successful Software Testing Projects

One of the most important aspects of quality assurance in mobile application development is testing. Testing provides a proof to the functionality and effectiveness of an app. It is therefore


Apps, Business, Code, Development, Javascript, Reviews

Let Users Create Amazing Bug Reports For Your Javascript Dev Team With BugReplay

Tools to build websites and apps faster are plentiful these days, but what about after it’s built? The focus is much less on testing, and maintaining the finished product since


Business, Development

How An Android Application Development Company Can Help You in Business Success

Can you beat it?! A large chunk, almost 75% of all your smartphones and mobile devices in the world are powered by Android OS. The omnipresent mobiles have pervaded our


Code, Development, Tech

Why You Should Learn to Code

Programming is commonly viewed as something that most people can’t do because it requires a person to have a strong analytical and logical mind accompanied by an ability to solve


Apps, Business, Development

How to Measure Customer Experience for Your Mobile Application?

As we all know that the customer experience is considered as the most critical factors, and there are various techniques that adopted by the app developers for measuring customer experience


Apps, Business

The Top Benefits of Having a Mobile App For Your Business

A lot of businesses are acutely aware of just how app-driven the world is right now, but they still rely only on their website as a way to boost sales


Mobile, Tech

Smartphone Applications Represent Half Of Smartphone Usage

Developing An App To Capitalize   As it turns out, the delineation between mobile app use and web use on smartphones is split about fifty/fifty. Technically it’s split 49% to



Understanding the Main Dimensions in Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) is a term that is being used more and more often nowadays as developers and businesses realize how critical it can be. Essentially APM consists of