Business, Tech

5 Ways to Prepare Your Workforce for the AI Revolution

Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in one of the greatest future-oriented action-movies of all time: T2 Judgment Day. A James Cameron classic, this film certainly evokes much deeper thought on many levels,


Business, Career, Tips

Pro Tips for Aspiring Operations Managers and COOs

Operations managers play a significant role in any company because of their independent  oversight of employee supervision and productivity. As an operations manager or chief operations officer (COO), it is


Business, Entrepreneur, Tech

10 Tech Tricks To Improve Communication With Customers

An essential ingredient of good customer service is open communication. Forgetting to answer emails or failing to answer phonecalls can often lead to mistrust from customers. This can damage your


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance

Attention Digital Marketing Freelancers! You Can Turn Your Side Gig Into A Small Company

The world of digital marketing is far more relevant in the eyes of those that own businesses than ever before. 6 or 7 years ago SEO was a foreign concept


Business, Marketing

What Does ACD Mean in Call Center Lingo?

Call centers use a variety of different systems that integrate hardware and programming to enable call center agents to provide optimal service to callers. An ACD, short for “automatic call


Business, Tech, Video

The Importance of Video Collaboration in the Workplace

Video collaboration in the workplace is becoming increasingly important as more and more businesses adopt remote and hybrid work arrangements. Video conferencing tools allow teams to connect and collaborate in



5 Ways to Get What You Want in Any Negotiation

Everybody wants something.If you want something all you have to do is ask for it, or rather, negotiate for it. As selfish and self-centered as that sounds, it holds true


Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance

10 Reasons Why You Should Improve Your Presentation Skills

Intro Communication is the basis of any society. It allows us to connect, influence, and motivate. In the world of the Internet, e-mail messages, notes, and newsletters most business people