Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Reviews, Tech, Tutorials, Web

How PrestaShop Will Change The Way You Build An Ecommerce Store

The Ecommerce space is more competitive than ever. Everyone shops online these days, and more and more people do it every year, this is why having an online presence capable


Business, Design, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Startup, Web

How To Select An Ecommerce Web Design Company

7 Tips for Effective E-commerce

So you’ve a great new concept for an online store. You have the funds to set it up and the vision to make it work. Now you need someone to


Business, Entrepreneur, Tips, Web

Web Design Tips for an Effective E-commerce Platform

18 brilliantly responsive ecommerce sites

If you’re not on Internet Retailer’s Top 500 Guide of the biggest Web-based businesses, don’t chalk it up to a pipe dream. There’s a reason the best sellers are doing


Business, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Inspiration, Marketing, Startup, Tips, Web

What To Consider Before Your Business Steps Online

The Internet is still a land of many mysteries to some business owners who know that they should move their traditional businesses online. Hosting, domain name, and templates are the


Business, Development, Entrepreneur, Freelance, Marketing, Tips, Web

How To Make An e-Commerce Platform More Powerful

We see e-commerce websites all over the internet these days, but what we don’t see is all the time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears that goes into the successful ones.


Art, Design, Funny, Geek, Inspiration, Nerd Fun, Print

70+ Truly Clever, Epic, & Funny T-Shirt Design Inspirations – Best (so far) of 2012

I am a huge fan of hilarious shirts, and I think we all are. When I was growing up there were “funny t-shirts” that were not funny at all, and


Blogging, Design, Programming, Tech, Tutorials, Wordpress

And you thought WordPress was just for Blogging? 7 Unique Alternative & Non-Traditional Uses for WP

And you thought WordPress was just for Blogging? With the thorough increase in the utilization of open source content management systems for various web based application, the relevance of WordPress


Nerdy Daily Web Development and Design Links

#WDNDL For 01/20/2010 – HUGE – Freebies(font, psd), eCommerce, Inspiration & More!

30 of the Best Fonts Designers Should Use for Print | Design Reviver Awesome fonts for Print! (tags: design fonts fontes herramientas diseño font webdesign inspiration type tipografías print recursos