Business, Lifehacks, Productivity

Effective Project Management Tips To Increase Productivity

Working in a team to finish projects can be very beneficial. Working with other people who have the same goal in mind can foster your creativity and learning, teach you


Business, Marketing, SEO

SEO Metrics You must Track on a Regular Basis

As a digital marketer, you don’t need to be told how much SEO matters. Understanding SEO’s importance is one thing and knowing how to deal with your SEO is another.


Business, Marketing,

Social Media Engagement Strategies That Experts Swear By

The importance of social media is understood by most brands. The problem is that many of them underestimate social media engagement’s value. You’re missing golden opportunities to truly increase social


Geek, Gifts, Lifehacks, Tech

5 Must-Follow Black Friday Shopping Tips

You’ve probably been waiting the whole year for Black Friday, the annual holiday shopping experience during which you can get a new TV, smartphone, or any high-tech gadget at affordable


Career, Lifehacks, Tips

3 Things To Consider Before Taking That Job Abroad

It’s happened, you’ve been offered the job of your dreams! There’s just one tiny catch; it’s in a completely different country. If the job were in your current location, you


Games, Geek, Tips

4 Tips That Will Make You a Better Gamer

In a perfect world, you would have unlimited time to play video games. Nothing makes you happier during these uncertain times than when you are working your way through the


Geek, Health, Lifehacks

Here’s How Smart Wearables Are Helping People With Disabilities

Wearable technology, also sometimes referred to as smart wearables, essentially refers to any technology that you wear on your body to either keep track of health information, or to help


Business, Tech

What Is A Substation And Where Is It Used?

A substation is an electrical platform with high-voltage capacity that can be utilized to control electrical circuits, generators, apparatus, and other equipment. Mainly, a substation converts alternating current (AC) to